Restore Deleted Contacts

  • Monitor all the existing contacts and even deleted ones.
  • Track which contacts were erased on your kid's phone.
  • Find out why your kid deleted a contact with uMobix.
  • Check deleted contacts to help your child.

What Does Restoring Deleted Contacts Mean?

Modern kids get their own devices as soon as they learn how to walk. While for parents, it means having a chance to reach them 24/7, for children, it means a green light to unlimited access to the online world and games. In some cases, your kid can use their phone to contact some people they meet when playing online, contact their friends, classmates, or peers. Despite this, it frequently happens when kids become victims of bullying or online predators willing to harm them or make them share sensitive data. Knowing what is happening on your kid's phone is so important for parents.

With uMobix, you are able to track who calls your child, view newly added contacts, see renamed contacts, and, most importantly, restore deleted contacts. This feature is especially useful if you notice negative changes in your child's behavior. You can see when your child deleted someone from their contact list and investigate the reason behind it.

How Does Restoring Deleted Contacts Work?

When you decide you want to know if your kid deleted contacts from their device, you only need to take their device and install the uMobix app on it. For this, the short instructions below will be necessary to follow:

  • Create an account and choose the device's OS you want to track.
  • Get access to the target smartphone and install the app following detailed instructions.
  • Using your login credentials, open your dashboard and view all the data about your child's activities that have been loaded.
  • When you need to check what is going on in their contact list, you need to open a corresponding tab on the dashboard and view if your kid deleted or renamed any contacts.

If a contact is deleted from your kid's device, it will be marked as "deleted" on your dashboard. You will be able to check the contact info, such as name, number, and when it was deleted. Since uMobix monitors your kid's device constantly, a deletion of a contact will not remain undetected. With the help of this software, you will always be aware of what your kid is up to.

3 easy steps to start tracking

  • Register

    Choose your subscription plan. Complete the purchase and receive the email with your login & password.
  • Install & Set up

    Install uMobix on a target Android device, or provide iCloud credentials of a target iOS device in your user account.
  • Monitor

    Go to your account and wait until we start sending data. Enjoy your tracking!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find old contacts that have been deleted?

If you need to restore deleted contacts, you need to try restoring your phone from a backup. Also, if you are using an Android device, try going to your Google account and trying to find them there. iPhone users can try to use iCloud for restoring. To simplify the process, use the uMobix tracking tool to restore deleted contacts.

How do you know if someone deleted you on WhatsApp?

The best way to find out is to try to send a message. If you see grey ticks next to your message, it means either there was a bad connection, or this person didn't receive it. You have two reasons: you are either blocked or deleted from this person's WhatsApp contacts. If WhatsApp was deleted from their phone, there would be no profile picture.

How do I know if someone has deleted me from their contacts?

It is possible to do this with the uMobix app. With this tool in your arsenal, you will be able to check whether the person deleted you from their contact book, social media accounts, or IM apps. All you need to do is to install the app on the cell phone you want to check.

Is it possible to know by which name someone has saved my phone number?

It is possible to check it by accessing someone's device and looking it up in their contact list. If you are unable to do this, you cannot know for sure unless this person tells you the truth. Another way to find it is to install uMobix tracking software to check through their contact list.

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